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To the Manufacturers and Mechanics of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, the Northern Liberties, and District of Southwark
Observations on the slaves and the indentured servants, enlisted in the army, and in the navy of the United States.
To the inhabitants of the states of Pennsylvania, New-Jersey and Delaware [rates to be paid for provisions, etc. for the army]
Extract of a letter from an officer of distinction in the American army ... particulars of the horrid depredations committed by that part of the British army, which was stationed at ... Pennytown, under the command of Lord Cornwallis.
In Congress, June 10, 1777. Resolved, That to supply the army of the United States with provisions, one Commissary General and ... be appointed by Congress...
In Congress, Thursday, September 22, 1774. Resolved, that the congress requests the merchants...not to send to Great Britain any orders for goods...An extract from the minutes
At a meeting at the Philosophical Society's hall on Friday, June 10th ... of the committee ... called in from all societies in town, to devise ... propositions, to be laid before the general meeting of the inhabitants [re Boston port bill]
In Congress, Wednesday, April 3, 1776. Instructions to the Commanders of Private Ships or Vessels of War, which shall have Commissions or Letters of Marque and Reprisal, authorising them to make Captures of British Vessels and Cargoes.